Saturday, September 10, 2011

Web Feature - Wear to Work

Many of you have probably been on, but have you ever seen their "Wear to Work" section? Some of us may dread shopping for work clothes, but makes it easy.

I thought this post would be helpful for many reasons. Maybe you are just out of college and looking for a job. Or maybe you are in the process of changing jobs and don't have a clue as to what to wear in your new work environment. Or perhaps you haven't worked in years and have an upcoming interview. It can be confusing trying to figure out what is and isn't work appropriate these days since so many offices are now business casual. You don't want to look too overly done, but at the same time you definitely don't need to look too casual. So what exactly is it that you are supposed to wear?

Old Navy has done an excellent job in their online "Wear to Work" section of giving their customers ideas of business casual outfits. This section is always changing so you always get to check out new ideas of clothing to buy for work. Even if you are not an Old Navy customer, this is a good resource to check out and get ideas.

Check out's Wear to Work section now!

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