Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sally Hansen Nail Prisms Pearly Pinkk & fake crackle/shatter nails

Sally Hansen Nial Prisms Pearly Pink layered over 3 thin coats of Wet n Wild Frosted Fuschia

  I found this older SH polish for $1.50, a few months ago and never got around to wearing it. Someone else in my town scooped up most of the older Sally Hansen Nail Prisms that were delivered, so I only grabbed this and another one that I already had. This is the Canadian exclusive (lol) called Pearly Pink. It is a sheer pink with heavy teal and blue flash.  Here is Lextard's photo,   I am pretty sure its the same polish.

below is Wet n Wild Frosted Fuchsia - which is not a frost at all! It is a very bright shimmery polish that took 3 thin coats to get to opacity. This is another polish that I picked up a few times and put doen at least 4 times over the years.

Wet n Wild Frosted Fuchsia - 2 coats.

.....and finally for shatter-day ( lolololollooolllll!!!!!!! ) - my fake shatter crackle/nails. I am not loving the shatter look, it is cool and i appreciate it on other peoples nails but I don't really like it. I am surprised that it is so popular - every display in department stores in my town are sold out, with the exception of a few bottles of gold from Sally Hansen and Nicole by OPI ~ I guess gold shatter isn't popular.

So here is my 'fake' crackle polish. I started with a base of a greyed out lavender franken, then painted on black jagged shattered pieces, and topped it off with a coat of Pure Ice Rio. This is as close to crackle nail polish as I will get.

black water-based acrylic paint and a little brush................

I did this immediately before taking my polish off, so I didn't bother adding top coat.

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