Monday, August 29, 2011

Valentines Flowers

First off I hope all of you had a wonderful Valentines Day. I know we did! I have a funny story to share with you. Let me start by asking you - did you happen to see the Teleflora commercial during the Super Bowl? Okay, if so then you know where I am heading with this.

My husband wanted to surprise me and send me flowers at work this year. He has never sent me flowers, but has given them to me many times in person of course and he wanted to be sweet and change things up a bit. He was so good all week and kept it a surprise (which is really hard for him to do) and on Friday at work UPS shows up with a big box of flowers for me! I work with my brother and he brings the box back to the office. We are both excited and I proceed to open the box all too quickly. My excitement fades as I notice the majority of the flowers are dead, crushed and diseased/mildewed like in appearance. My mind immediately flashes to that Teleflora commercial - oh gosh! Knowing how upset my poor husband would be, I decided to immediately text him at work so that he could see about getting a refund. I sent him a picture on my cell too and he just couldn't believe it.

I was really bummed at first, but I am very big on "It's the thought that counts" and totally knew how sweet and thoughtful my husband was to do this for me. I thought it was SO sweet that he wanted to surprise me like that. He was not so happy when I told him about the flowers, but we both quickly proceeded to joke (as we usually do about things) about the situation! He told me that when the Super Bowl commercial came on that he had actually already ordered the flowers and it make him feel cheap - all the while I am laughing about the commercial because of what the dead flowers say! If only either of us would have known what was to happen next!

So on Friday after the fiasco, I get home from work to see a gorgeous vase of long stem red roses on the kitchen counter. My husband was so mad about the other flowers that he went out and bought me more. What a sweetheart!

Needless to say, he got a refund on the bad flowers that he ordered. It could have just been a fluke. I also could have been UPS's fault. Who knows. He ordered from who came highly recommended. They did have excellent customer service on both the ordering end and the refund end.

The photos above show the damaged flowers and what they were supposed to look like. The gorgeous red roses are the 2nd bouquet my husband purchased.

We are still laughing about this and I know it's gonna be one of those stories we remember for years to come! We had a wonderful Valentine's Day and I am so grateful to have a husband who is so thoughtful, loving and the most awesome best friend a girl could ever ask for ♥

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