Today I thought I would share one of my most favorite blogs with you. If you are not already a follower of Nouveau Cheap then you should go immediately now and become one. Here's why:
Nouveau Cheap is a blog all about budget beauty buys and reviews on products. I seriously read it every morning! Not only are the reviews and tips great, but the photos are awesome too! I am all about thrifty/budget shopping. I love to make my dollar go further. Does this sound like you? Click HERE to scope it out!
Here's the blogs description just to give you an idea how of awesome it is:
Nouveau Cheap is a blog devoted to beauty on a budget. I don't believe that we need to spend a fortune on beauty products these days, and that's why you'll rarely see any beauty products reviewed here that retail for over 20 dollars. Most of the time, the products I review retail for under ten dollars! Nouveau Cheap stands for "The New Cheap"--consumers who know that you don't need to spend a lot of money to get quality beauty products that work.
Another fantastic reason to become a follower of Nouveau Cheap today is that there is an awesome contest going on. The blog is coming up on it's one year anniversary and if you are a follower you can enter this contest today. Be sure to check it out!
If you love product reviews as much as I do, you will love Nouveau Cheap!
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