I have been wanting to grow my hair long again like I had it back in the day in high school. It's been a never ending problem for me and I have finally figured out what I am doing wrong. Sure I'm a tanner and I color my hair from time to time and I blow dry everyday. None of those things are great for your hair, but I figured it had to be something else contributing to my hair staying the same length and still not being itself after getting trims. The enemy all along is one of my prized possessions - my GHD flat iron. Sure, it's a wonderful item if used in moderation, but I have been using it every single day. OUCH! Let's rewind a second and let me give you some background info on my hair. I have dark warm brown medium long length hair that is layered. It is fine in nature but I have a lot of it. It is by no means super thick, but a medium thickness. It is straight w/ just a little texture to it. It is normal to oily and my scalp is healthy. The current length is good, but I wanna go for really long - what I like to refer to as "right under the boob" length. I have a good 5-6 inches to go. After discussing my issues w/ my stylist (who just happens to be my awesome sister in law!) we came to the conclusion that I have got to lay off the flat ironing. Sure I can do it every once in awhile, but I need to greatly cut back. I guess part of what has somewhat saved my hair is the fact that I only flat iron the ends since I have straight hair already. I just like the ends to have that "sleekness" to them.
So here's the deal - it's been exactly one week since I have stopped flat ironing and I am already stunned by the results. I figured that it would take at least a month for me to see any sort of results. It took me a few days to get used to seeing myself w/out flat ironed ends, but it's well worth it.
I've been alternating Moroccan Oil (which I highly recommend) and Biosilk serum on the ends which is really helping w/ the dryness. My hair is shiny, happy and is on it's way to being the way it used to. Does this mean I will give up flat ironing all together? Heck no! All things in moderation =)
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