Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Beauty Tips from the Beautiful

InStyle spoke to the stars for their all time beauty secrets. Nothing mind blowing but worth a read nonetheless!

"To make lips look naturally pink, I put on red lipstick, wipe it off, and then apply clear gloss." - Halle Berry

"I love the look of buffed nails. They look neat and chic without actually having to paint your nails—and it takes no time!" - Joy Bryant

"A woman is most beautiful when she smiles. Other than that, the most valuable tip I've learned is always use a skin moisturizer!" - Beyonce

"Don't go a full day or night without washing your face. You have to get all the dirt and makeup out of your pores." - Mary J. Blige

"Once I started drinking more water, my skin, hair and nails all flourished." - America Ferrera

"Every woman—even women of colour—should wear a blush bronzer. Not a self-tanner bronzer!" - Iman

"I'm a really smiley person, so I've just learned when I'm doing my own makeup, I have to make sure it's smile ready and not too heavy. As amazing as the Victoria Beckham pout is for photos, I just can't do it!" - Rosario Dawson

See the full list here.

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