Friday, July 1, 2011

How to beat the summertime oilies

I will start out by saying that if you don't have oily skin that you may want to skip today's post. I do have oily skin, so today's post contains the knowledge I have to help you.

Let's get started!

Is your skin more oily in the summer like mine is? I bet you may not know why. Perhaps you assume it's the heat making you sweaty and that does have a little bit to do with it. But the fact of the matter is that in the summer your metabolism actually speeds up and causes your oil glands to function on overtime, therefore making your skin more oily. And you are also probably more active in the summer too - working out, swimming, sports, etc. and that adds to it as well.

So what can I do to fix this problem? Several things actually. If you already have a good skincare routine you won't have to change much. Here's the bottom line:

1. Make sure you are cleansing your face morning and evening
2. If you aren't already doing so, use a face mask once a week. I like Queen Helene's Mint Julep Masque.
3. Keep blotting or oil sheets in your purse for touch ups.
4. Make sure to moisturize. I love Kiehl's Oil Free Ultra Facial Lotion.
5. Not into face masks? Do an at home facial. See below for more info.

Oily Skin No No's
1. Don't touch your face - EVER! It can make it more oily and can break you out. The oil on your hands does not like the oil on your face. It's even worse if you constantly apply hand cream.
2. Do not reapply your foundation/powder/concealer after you have applied it in the morning. Adding more makeup over your oil can cause clogged pores, breakouts and it also gets oil and bacteria in your makeup containers or on your makeup brushes. Use blotting papers or oil sheets instead.
3. Lots of people with oily skin are scared to put lotion on their face because they believe it will break them out and make their skin even oilier. By not moisturizing you are actually making the big oily mess an even bigger one. Your skin is not balanced and the oil is getting out of control. An nice oil free moisturizer is your friend.

Okay so here are a couple of great ideas for at home facials. Everyone's skin is different so you may experiment to see what works best for you. If neither of these facials sound appealing, try doing a Google search for oily skin face masks or homemade face masks. There are literally thousands of recipes online.

Sour Cream Facial
Spread a little sour cream into your face and allow it to stay on for 10-15 minutes. Your skin will feel refreshed and it will glow =)

Avocado Mask for Oily Skin
Add the following to a blender for a few seconds:
1 white of an egg
1 tsp. lemon juice
1/2 of an avocado

Apply mask evenly to a clean face and neck.
After 20 minutes, remove with lukewarm water and a face cloth.
Follow with cold astringent or cold water.

For those of you with oily skin, it's both a blessing and a curse. I hope today I have provided you with some advice and relief.

Hope everyone is having an awesome summer!

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