Sunday, April 3, 2011

Week in review: March 26th (with an ode to my dog)

This is my dog Murphy Johnson Stern.

He was born in April 2006 and came to live with us June of that year. 
He weighs 91 pounds. 
He's an incredibly loving and sweet first-generation Labradoodle.

He is also the world's most neurotic dog.

He is afraid of: the vacuum cleaner, the mailman, other dogs, strangers, the groomer, cats, men, the photo of the dog on the dog food bag, squirrels, brooms, and loud noises.

He barks at anyone and anything that dares go past our house.

Murphy enjoys stealing my shoes, licking himself, eating grass (which he promptly barfs up,) belly rubs, riding in the car with his head out the window, taking me on walks, napping, and stinky pork-flavored dog treats. Do you have a dog that bears some similarities to mine? Sometimes I think I need a support group to deal with such a crazy lunatic.

This weekend Murphy was very very sad because he was left alone. A lot. On Saturday the family and I went out to the brand new Legoland in Grapevine, TX. It was Lego-tastic. My kids were in a permanent stare of hyperactivity, quivering and jumping and exhibiting what resembled epileptic fits of joy. As a parent, accompanying them to Legoland was one of my finer moments. I am now Mom Of The Year.

On Saturday the husband and I got away for a night, staying in a hotel and going out for sushi at Naan Sushi in the Shops at Legacy, an outdoor mall with some fantastic restaurants and bars. I *heart* sushi. Seriously. Take me out for sushi and I will be your bestie for life. It's that serious. Anyway, one of our very first dates was for sushi, and it's nice that we can revisit such good memories after twelve years of marriage.

And today I was invited by Tina of T Minus, T Plus to attend the Beauty Live Event as a guest of The Body Shop. I'm thrilled have a seat in the VIP section and get a backstage pass to the new spring cosmetics and beauty lines. Be prepared for a long post regarding the event this week!

While I'm reliving memories of spicy tuna rolls and eel sashimi ( me) here's what went down on Dress With Courage this week:

I'd also like to take a moment and welcome all my new followers (wave!) Thank you for your continued support and thoughtful comments. I really love reading what you share (even though I don't always respond...I'm thinking of installing Disqus to remedy that.) I have no doubt that I have some the most intelligent readers out there!

If you're visiting my blog for the first time, please consider becoming a follower through Google Friend Connect, tweeting with me on Twitter, or becoming a Facebook fan. As a relatively new blogger, I get ridiculously excited when reading a new comment or gaining a new follower. I appreciate you all so much!

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