Thursday, April 14, 2011

My feature in this week's IFB Links a la Mode: Week of April 14th

This week Dress With Courage was featured in IFB's Links A La Mode. IFB is a website for style, fashion and beauty bloggers containing articles, forums, polls and promotional tools. Home to thousands of members, it is an incredible resource for those interested in promoting their blogs, networking with fellow bloggers, and improving their posts. For fashion and style bloggers it's like crack. Not that I've tried it, but like I've seen on Intervention. Anyways, I've learned so much about blogging through IFB and made from pretty wonderful friends through the message boards. If you're a blogger interested in gaining followers, traffic, and ideas for future posts, don't hesitate to become an IFB member. 

This is my eighth feature in Links A La Mode, and I'm particularly proud that my post was chosen.  It wasn't easy for me to share my personal experience with anorexia and competition, but I'm a big believer in blogging honestly and sharing who I truly am in my posts. I am so grateful to be included with such talented, stylish, and informative bloggers. Here's the feature with my link:


Operation #Uplift

Edited by Vahni of Grit & Glamour

Oh no. It’s The-Coveted-gate all over again. As much as I wish I could start this week’s roundup with a glowing review of positivity, the sad truth is that the blogosphere is rife with accusations of trademark infringement, side-eye, competition, and bitchiness. Ladies and gents, it is time for this to stop.

I’ll never understand why people feel the need to tear others down, or pass another’s content—or identity—off as their own. Blogging dynamo Cece of LoveBrownSugar noted this week that she’s had enough of the side-eye in fashion, and frankly, so have I. Last week, Cece issued an #Uplift Challenge: Find at least one female you don’t know personally and tell her something that makes her feel beautiful. Don’t get “#Uplift”? Be sure to read Beautifully Invisible‘s post—a Twitterless blogger is like Lady Gaga without a mic!

As you explore this week’s list and head into the weekend, I leave you with this thought: “Women with wings,” Sacramento, of Mis Papelicos, wrote, “use their wings not only to fly, but to cuddle, to shelter, to back, to push and to hug.” What are you using your wings for?

Links à la Mode: April 14th


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