Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Earrings on Ebay

I have several recent Ebay finds to share with you today. I sometimes think of it as a challenge when I have a couple of dollars left in my Paypal account balance to see what I can find for the cheapest amount of money on Ebay. Sometimes I find nothing that great and sometimes I find something really awesome. Today I found something and I couldn't be more pleased. I think of it as a dollar well spent.

I purchased the following earrings from 2 different sellers on Ebay. Every pair was just $1 each with free shipping. I have no clue how they are actually making any money, but I am very glad they had them for sale none the less. In the picture below you can see them for size reference. I believe that they are 10mm.
The black jade and black shell pearl earrings are from seller loool.more and the brown shell pearl earrings are from seller eonian_smile. Both sellers are in China. I ordered all of these earrings on the same day and received them on the exact same day even though they are from 2 different sellers. I purchased them on 4-14 and received them on 4-22. That's pretty fast considering they came all the way from China and I didn't pay for shipping.

I'm very pleased with my purchase. Both sellers had lots of different types of earrings so check them out next time you are looking for a cheap fun purchase on Ebay.

**NOTE** - I wanted to point out that these earrings are stated to be made of black jade and shell pearl. They do appear to be just that, but I'm no jewelry expert. The jade pair feels a bit more heavy as you would expect. I suppose they could be black glass for all I know, but I love them just the same =)

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