Wednesday, April 7, 2010

♥ Franken - ' I Sorta Belong Here' ♥

Franken -'I sorta Belong Here' 2 coats w/ 1 coat clear & 1 coat Nailene T.C.

So when I wear my frankens now - I apply a coat of CLEAR polish that I have reserved especially for frankens = before I apply my final T.C. This way I don't contaminate my Top Coat. This is 2 coats of my Franken, 'I sorta Belong Here' with 1 coat of clear polish and 1 coat Nailene Acrylic Strong Top Coat. I left my middle finger free of Top Coat. I made this franken with a bit of Nat Robbin's 'Greed' and some older Revlon eyeshadow, an awesome duo-chrome eggplant. I had hoped to retain some of the green color of the base polish I used, but I think I added way, waaaaaaay too much of the e/s. I like it, and will likely wear this again soon.

I love the finish of eye-shadow frankens..... I don't think I have made one yet that I did not like.


@ 2 coats
Sunshine- No T.C. - pre clean-up

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