Monday, April 12, 2010

♥ Mary Kay - 'Berry Rich' ♥

Mary Kay  Berry Rich - 3 coats with 1 coat of Nailene T.C.
( these are older photos.... from around valentine's day )

I have never used a Mary Kay nail polish before and was delighted when my MOM gave me this. I would say this is more of a shimmery maroon then a 'berry' color..... regardless it is very pretty - another stunner from my MOM.However all three times I wore this - it would not dry and I totally marred my mani each time. So I swatched this just to take photos - then took it off immediately. I think because it was dewy winter day the humidity was just tooooo much.

Anyhoo- this is a lovely shade with a neat bottle. It looks like the Impala brand from Portugal! This is 3 coats with a coat of Nailene T.C and all my photos are indoors under fluroescent lighting.

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