Monday, April 26, 2010

Get That Glow

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• Eat pulses as they are rich in protein. Also, include a lot of green vegetables in your diet and make sure you have at least one fruit a day. Have a minimum of ten glasses of water to detoxify your system.

• Depending on your age, opt for facials every now and then. Cleanse your face regularly, especially in the night to remove make-up and other impurities that will clog your skin.

• Apart from cleansing, a regular skin care regimen of toning and moisturizing is absolutely crucial. Exfoliate once every fortnight by using a mild scrub. Use a sunscreen whenever you step out in the sun.

• Exercise is essential for everyone at any age. A 30 minutes walk everyday is suffice to increase blood circulation and to get that instant glow.

• Let your body send the right vibrations. Walk straight, maintain eye contact, don’t fidget unnecessarily and keep that smile in your face.

• Too many styling products can damage your hair. Take proper care and assure you use a hair mask once every fortnight to prevent it from extensive harm.

• To get the glow in your face, your mind should be at peace. Learn the deep breathing techniques to relax yourself. A minimum of eight hours of sleep is a must as it rejuvenates the system.

• A hobby can help you de- stress, so make sure you opt for one. Read, take a walk, listen to music for those feel-good vibes. When you are stress free and the mind is happy, the glow shows on your face.

• Dark circles are due to lack of sleep, stress and sometimes even due to wrong diet. Assure you have sufficient sleep and include a multivitamin in your diet.

• If you are a no make-up person, just put on a mascara to bring the twinkle in the eye. Choose a shiny gloss over lipstick and you’re done.

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