Monday, April 26, 2010

Make-Up During Summer

Summer make-up should be simple, subtle and subdued. Remember, people should not even realize that you are wearing any make-up.

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• There are few products that can help you preserve your make-up through out the day, but nothing is fool proof. Re-application is the key combined with a good skin care routine.

• Cream-based products generally have residual oils that form a slippery film. Hence, it is advisable to opt for lightweight and less emollient products in summer.

• During summer the skin tends to be dewier, hence skip your day time moisturizer. Instead, opt for a foundation that consists of SPF 15 or 30 and make sure that it is water-resistant and sweat proof. To even out your skin tone, apply foundation with a damp sponge.

• Do not apply face powder or foundation beneath your lipstick as it may appear cakey. Avoid lip liner too. A shiny gloss with a dash of color is suffice. Remember, nude lips look so much more natural and hot. If your prefer to apply mascara, limit it to one coat.

• Keep the colors of your make-up as light as possible. Avoid overly bright or very dark colors. Go for transparent pastel color eye shadow, blush or gloss that permits your skin’s warmth to show through. You should be able to see your features at its best.

• Summer is also the time to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Hence, make sure that the products you use contain SPF, to safeguard your skin from the dangers of the sun.

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