Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Present Nails!

So, due to my computer being down and all my files for Holiday nail tutorials are on that computer, I had to result to taking pictures and just displaying the actual nail design and the products used. I hope you girls like this nail design and keep your fingers crossed that my computer can get fixed before Christmas is over so I can at least post the videos on how to make this design. Also, it would be really nice if you could pass this design onto your friends here on blogger or on youtube! Let all your friends now once I get my computer fixed, I will have tutorials up soon!

Paint your nails a solid red. Add horizontal and vertical lines onto your nails. In the middle, paint a heart shape and extend the bottom to create the long ribbon. Add some silver lines next to the white lines and add a rhinestone in the middle.

Viola! Instant present nails!

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