Friday, December 10, 2010

I want

(I Want: A feature in which I express intense, gnawing desire for something fashion-related)

Swedish Hasbeens

I've always felt I was destined to do good things in life. In college I volunteered for the local Head Start center, bringing small children to playgrounds and letting them experiment wildly with my hair. Later on, I worked with developmentally disabled adults and children at a respite program on the weekends. And after having my twins I became president of a huge organization for mothers of multiples, with a focus on parents coping with premature infants during extensive hospitalizations.

The fulfillment of my density would be profoundly amplified if I wore this fantastic shoe from Swedish Hasbeens. With a smooth leather upper and solid handcrafted wood bottom, this shoe would make me feel downright invincible. Walking down the street in this beauty will make me wonder what goal I'm capable of accomplishing that day. Maybe I'll write the Great American Novel. Perhaps I'll discover a cure for the common cold. Maybe, if I'm really lucky, I'd figure out a way to stop my boy's insessant begging for Legos. Anything could be possible.

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