Sunday, December 26, 2010

Thirty things that make life worth living

  1. Hearing your favorite song on the radio.
  2. Cupcakes.
  3. The beach.
  4. Thrift stores.
  5. Lying in bed listening to the rain.
  6. Giggling.
  7. Long conversations late into the night.
  8. Going to the movies.
  9. Running through sprinklers.
  10. Laughing at an inside joke.
  11. Laughing so hard your sides hurt.
  12. Just plain laughing.
  13. Having someone tell you you're beautiful.
  14. Walking through fall leaves.
  15. New boots.
  16. Making new friends.
  17. Sushi.
  18. Dinner out with old friends.
  19. Playing with a new puppy or kitten or any other small furry animal.
  20. Jeans.
  21. Sitting around a roaring fire.
  22. Blogging.
  23. Making chocolate chip cookies.
  24. Road trips.
  25. Being in love with someone that loves you back.
  26. Overhearing someone saying something nice about you.
  27. Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours to sleep.
  28. Maker's Mark whiskey.
  29. Bookstores.
  30. Fresh flowers.
Gap blazer; thrifted Gap floral button-down; Michael Stars tunic; Gap jeggings; thrifted belt; Boutique 9 booties; Forever 21 necklaces; Target pyramid studs

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