Sunday, December 19, 2010

Because of you I smile

You know those days where from the moment you wake up nothing seems to go right? Like say, for instance, you forget to set your alarm and just happen to wake a mere fifteen minutes before your three children need to get to school? That's the start of a not-so-good day. Or what should have been a brief check-up at the doctor turns into an hour of waiting in the exam room while being held captive to overhearing an animated conversation between the nurses about Glee? OR, you get into an argument with the morons at the gym who had told you your kids could enroll in taekwando while your membership was on hold, and now, three months after they started, the morons tell you they can't? 

That's the kind of week I had.

I was so relieved when Saturday rolled around. Here was a chance to sleep late and engage in activities that were guaranteed to be good for my soul. You know how there are certain things that just make you happy, no matter what?  For me, it's baths. Just the process of choosing a frothy aromatic bubble bath, lighting candles, and pouring myself a glass of wine reduces my stress. Taking a bath is a minimum hour-long activity. I make the water as hot as I can stand and read some trashy novel on my Kindle. Personally, I can't think of a better way to catch up on my reading. Is there a better way to catch up on anything? Hell, I would make dinner in there if I could. I want a full-size portable stovetop for Christmas.

Another thing that makes me feel good is a short flippy skirt. Like this one.

Anthropologie floral blouse (eBay); Anthropologie denim skirt; Gap white tee (under blouse); Hue tights; Frye boots; Urban Outfitters ivory flower studs; Plato's Closet leather bracelet.

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