Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Maybelline Violet Aluminum, Claire's 14 Karat and Pure Ice Rio -

3 coats of an un-named icing mini which is basically a watered down version of Claire's 14 Karats, followed by Maybelline Violet Aluminum sponged diagonally across my nails and a coat of Pure ice Rio =  which is a violet jelly base with flecks of vibrant blurple...flecks.

I still have not acquired the light-bulb I normally use so my photos are not picking up those super-pretty AWESOME flecks in Pure Ice Rio. I forgot how pretty Maybelline Violet Aluminum was, I plan on wearing this again soon....

I am holding Claire's 14 Karats, which is painted on my ring nail, the rest of my nails are 3 coats of an un-named icing (by Claire's) mini - which is a watered down version of Claire's 14 Karats.

My ring nail is Claire's 14 Karats- I actually don't mind the brush strokes on this one....

Ring Nail is Claire's 14 Karats, while the rest of my nails are 3 coats of a cute Icing mini polish

..... and a few more photos of this mani

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