Friday, January 28, 2011

Market Chic

As much as we love the genius of haute couture, we have to admit that there is incredible creativity at the lower levels of the industry. We love raiding the markets in London to find out what gems are out there. On a recent visit to Camden Lock market, we discovered these lovely beaded belts.

We particularly like the combination of the colours in this second belt below.

The saleslady said the belts come from Spain, but we reckon that they are originally from Asia or Africa.
Here's a close up look.

The great thing about these belts is that they are very stretchy, so they suit women of all sizes. It also works around the waist or framing your hips.

The belt works well with this Calvin Klein day dress

These belts cost £12 each, or you can get two for £20. If you fancy adding one to your accessories chest, you can find it on the ground floor of Camden Lock market.

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