Sunday, January 2, 2011

Lil' story about FAITH, LOVE and DREAM :: three words that's what made me as I am...

Happy New Year 2011 for all of u...

Now I'm sitting in my room while drinking coke, eating cookies and of course with listening my music play list..
....and, I am interested to tell you all about my life... where there is in prayer, dreams, hope, sacrifice, fall, rise, strength, brittle, sadness, happiness, falling in love, a difference of opinion with family.... but in all my life becomes more valuable because in it was always my LORD JESUS is always a reason for still survive and believe that  life should not be fine... but we are safe when we walk with the Lord....

I can't imagine me without GOD..
I'm sure that life will be boring, empty and meaningless when u walk without FAITH..!!
Yeah, FAITH, LOVE and DREAM :: three words that's what made me as I am.

In GOD I learn to have my BIG dreams without any fear, keep believe, persevere and keep trying with the great hope..
Dream that drove me through the various amazing things that I don't think that I have to go through before finally arrive at my main goal of my dreams...

"Being a career woman who respect GOD, successful, creative, innovative, independent and be a blessing and for others" ::  it's my vision...

It's my time to reach all my dream : "My passion in fashion, traveling around the world, marriage and have a lil' happy and blessed family with my Michael"
Yeah that's all i want in my life... and thanks GOD with this a lil' courage i can step out for fight (^_^)
Most important, i want to make my GOD smile at me like thiz : (^_____^)

Sincerely yours,


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