Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How to be a perfect PRINCESS?

Some books said :  
"u must lesson with your fashion designer how to choose the right custom for the right time, u must have your own hair style and always have a consultation about how the princess set her hair, u must follow the personality course for make over your attitude... because the princess always have a good character...
Princess must know how to sit, how to sleep, stand up, talking and make sure everything runs perfectly, without leaving a bad impression about her."
Well, in this case, a princess is defined as a perfect figure...

BUT i have a different view...
It's okay if u said the Princess is always the perfect lady.. it's yours..
But i will tell u something true...
Don't u know u are the princess of your self?
You can build your own palace.  
Palace here is not to be construed as a building, but how do you build your personality, 
dream of your dreams, and beliefs for something that you believe...
You do not have to change your face to be beautiful 
because beauty is not something that looks just,
but beauty shine through your kindness and your personality
All of us are created beautifully by God, so be thankful princess...


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